This is a very flavorful pasta salad. The crisp cooked bacon really adds a nice flavor. I get requests for this pasta salad for every get together and...
Great for brunch, luncheons, or whatever. Easy and quick to make. I find that this salad is always popular at get-togethers and usually disappears rather...
Yogurt makes for a less fattening salad dressing while fruit adds a touch of sweetness. Great for a cool summer lunch, or leave out the chicken for a vegetarian...
For anyone who likes Buffalo wings, this is a great change of pace from normal pasta salad. Really popular as a side dish for a barbeque or just about...
This chicken pasta salad recipe with fruit delivers a delightful blend of interesting tastes, including nuts, grapes, and oranges. Sprinkle with extra...
My family loves ham all year long. I had to find a cool, summertime salad recipe to use up the leftovers, and I think this pasta primavera salad is it....
This salad has everything in the filling of a muffaletta sandwich but in pasta salad form! It is a great salad to take on a picnic and it has a nice variation...
I threw this simple recipe together one night to use up some leftover chicken and asparagus. All quantities are approximate and can be adjusted according...
This recipe uses salad dressing to add flare to an ordinary pasta salad. It's great hot or cold and makes wonderful leftovers... if you manage to have...
This light, colorful, and fresh pasta salad that everyone will love is great for get-togethers! Easy to reduce calories by using light mayo and light sour...
This is something I threw together one day. Prepare the veggies while the pasta cooks and you're done in 10 minutes. I use different kinds of tomatoes,...
At the last minute, I was told to bring something for a potluck at work. Not having the time to go shopping, I used whatever I had on hand and used a dressing...
I'm a middle child, so I have a need to stand out. This pasta salads fills that need, in both presentation and taste. This is the potluck show stopper...
I wanted to try something different from the average pasta salads I've had. So I decided to experiment and thankfully everyone loved it! Feel free use...
This is a super easy but wonderfully tasty salad recipe I picked up years ago which has become a summer tradition with my family! The ingredients and proportions...
Great for brunch, luncheons, or whatever. Easy and quick to make. I find that this salad is always popular at get-togethers and usually disappears rather...
This is my take on several different pasta salads I have tried. It's my daughter's favorite and I have taken it to several picnics and BBQs and it's always...
This is one of the best tasting pasta salads I have ever had. My family and in-laws love it and I can never make enough. You can change or substitute the...
This wonderful dish combines all your favorite vegetables in one dish that can be adapted to your own tastes. If preparing a day ahead, refrigerate, then...
This is a different and healthy pasta salad. Use whole-grain or low-carb pasta if you like and substitute veggies to suit your taste. Wear plastic gloves...
This is a very flavorful pasta salad. The crisp cooked bacon really adds a nice flavor. I get requests for this pasta salad for every get together and...
My husband made this for me shortly after we started dating. He makes it so it could fill a 10 gallon bucket, so I cut it quite a bit. It totally won my...
I came up with this one night out of necessity and cannot stop eating it! It's good hot or cold, and you can add or change things. Bring a big bowl to...
I needed a quick and easy side dish to take to our friend's house for their son's birthday. This dish needed to be something that would be able to be outside...
We served this at our twin daughters' graduation open house. Since that time, it is our most requested pasta salad. My daughters will make batches of this...
This is a different and healthy pasta salad. Use whole-grain or low-carb pasta if you like and substitute veggies to suit your taste. Wear plastic gloves...
This light, colorful, and fresh pasta salad that everyone will love is great for get-togethers! Easy to reduce calories by using light mayo and light sour...
This chicken pasta salad recipe with fruit delivers a delightful blend of interesting tastes, including nuts, grapes, and oranges. Sprinkle with extra...